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贴膏药是较快的给式,它一不经过消化道,二不经过血液循环,能使足量物经过皮肤快速,完全省去了消化吸收、血液循环两大环节。即不伤五脏六腑,又提高了速度,被誉为“用式的第三次革命”, 所以,经皮肤给药,不走弯路,,是较安全束效的给式。简单说:治病原理就是拔寒、舒筋活络、化瘀,通则不痛,不通则痛,瘀阻打通了,病自然就好了。这就是的骨病三因学说。三种原因相互影响,直接导致骨病发作,较终形成骨刺、骨质增生、颈椎病、腰椎病
who would have thought Beaurepaire would receive me thus?""It is your own fault. You never sent her a line for all theseyears.""Why, how could I?""Well, sir, the information you did not supply others did. We knowthat you were seen in a Spanish village drinking between twoguerillas.""That is true," said Camille. "Now to the church," cried the baroness, gayly. To get to thechurch, they must pass by the window Camille reclined at. "Oh! there's no time for that," said Raynal. And as the baronesslooked horrified and amazed, Picard explained: "The state marriesits citizens now, with reason: since marriage is a civil contract.""Marriage a civil contract!" repeated the baroness. "What, is itthen no longer one of the holy sacraments? What horrible impietyshall we come to next? Unhappy France! Such a contract would neverbe a marriage in my eyes: and what would become of an union theChurch had not blessed?""Madame," said Picard, "the Church can bless it still; but it isonly the mayor here that can DO it."All this time Josephine was blushing scarlet, and looking this wayand that, with a sort of instinctive desire to fly and hide, nomatter where, for a week or so. But the young ladies went up to Beaurepaire in the other carriage,for Josephine wished to avoid the gaze of the town, and get home andbe quiet. The driver went very fast. He had drunk the bride'shealth at the mayor's, item the bridegroom's, the bridesmaid's, themayor's, etc., and "a spur in the head is worth two in the heel,"says the proverb. The sisters leaned back on the soft cushions, andenjoyed the smooth and rapid motion once so familiar to them, sorare of late. Absorbed and strung up to desperation as he was, this voice seemedunnaturally loud, and discordant with Camille's mood; a suddentrumpet from the world of small things. Your son's bosom feels as warm as toast. Long live the five-francpieces! And they pretend money cannot make a fellow happy. Theylie; it is because they do not know how to spend it."Meantime at the chateau, as still befalls in emergencies and trials,the master spirit came out and took its real place. Rose was nowthe mistress of Beaurepaire; she set Jacintha, and Dard, and thedoctor, to pack up everything of value in the house. "Do it thismoment!" she cried; "once that notary gets possession of the house,it may be too late. Enough of folly and helplessness. We havefooled away house and lands; our movables shall not follow them."The moment she had set the others to work, she wrote a single lineto Riviere to tell him the chateau and lands were sold, and would hecome to Beaurepaire at once? She ran with it herself to Bigot'sauberge, the nearest post-office, and then back to comfort hermother. He watched Picard's retiring form. When he was out of sight, thenhe turned round and resumed his thoughts as if Picard had been nomore than a fly that had buzzed and then gone. Raynal demanded a private interview of the baroness so significantlyand unceremoniously that Rose had no alternative but to retire, butnot without a glance of defiance at the bear. She ran straight,without her bonnet, into the Pleasaunce to slake her curiosity atJosephine. That young lady was walking pensively, but turned atsight of Rose, and the sisters came together with a clash of tongues. How you look; how you pant.""There, I will show you I forgive you. These epaulets, dear, I havenever put them on. I said, no; Josephine shall put them on for me. When their carriages rattled into the street from the north side,Colonel Dujardin had already entered it from the south, and wasriding at a foot's pace along the principal street. The motion ofhis horse now shook him past endurance. He dismounted at an inn afew doors from the mayor's house, and determined to do the rest ofthe short journey on foot. The landlord bustled about himobsequiously. "You are faint, colonel; you have travelled too far. The matter approached a climax; for, as the reader is aware, Edouardwas hourly expected at Beaurepaire. She leaned her head on his shoulder, but with her hand she soughthis, and even as she uttered those loving words she coaxed theweapon from his now unresisting grasp. "Madame?"Dead silence. Yes, it was certainly Raynal, only bronzed by service in some hotcountry.
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